Porsche M96 and M97 issues explained in GT Porsche


I had a visit from fellow GT Porsche contributor Peter Morgan last week and, as ever, we had a good chat about the world of Porsche. Peter mentioned that he’d recently written an article on the M96 and M97 engines used in the Porsche 996, 997, Boxster and Cayman up until around 2008.

Peter and I agreed that a lot of nonsense had been written about these engines and their supposed issues – mainly with bore scoring and IMS (intermediate shaft) failure – have been blown out of all proportion. I’ve addressed this in a previous blog post and, naturally, I was keen to read Peter’s findings, as he’s a writer I respect.

The new issue of GT Porsche with the article in has now landed on my desk and, if you’re interested (or concerned) about M96 and M97 engines, it’s well worth a read. Peter quotes several specialists he spoke with about the issues and, with one exception, they all said that the problems are overblown. Peter also identifies which engines are most likely to be affected and – crucially – how to minimise what is already a small risk of failure with some great advice. It’s a sensible, well balanced article with none of the hyperbole seen elsewhere.

I’m not going to take the wind out of the magazine’s sails by telling you the full findings here – that would be unfair – but I do urge you to pick up a copy for yourself. As well as this technical feature, there’s also lots more great stuff for Porsche enthusiasts – including my own monthly column, this time on Porsche 991 values.

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