Porsche Cayman R on the Isle of Skye – Day five


Today began with more in-car footage of presenter Frank Pereire, this time in the Cayman R with me dutifully overtaking from time to time in the 964 Carrera 4.


Later in the day, the script demanded both cars driving down the road at speed, past two cameras mounted in the centre of the road. The only way to do this was to close the road, so the police were brought in to help. Two arrived, who introduced themselves as Alan and Katherine. They were lovely people and very happy to help out and, of course, take advantage of the many refreshments on hand. They told me that they’re used to working with film crews; a lot of car adverts are filmed here, they said, as were some scenes of Prometheus. At one point I gave Katherine a lift from one end of the road to the other in the 964 – a first for both of us!

It took a while to set the shot up, as the two cameras had to be perfectly positioned and, as a result, there was a fair bit of traffic backed up (well, by Skye standards). A few people had got out of their cars to watch the two Porsches do a drag race along the road, but I fear they would have been disappointed. For technical reasons, we were told to drive at no more than 50mph so it must have been a poor show for the onlookers!


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