Be aware of a scruffy Porsche 911 interior

My blog post the other day about Porsche 911 interiors led to an interesting discussion on Twitter.

People often assume that they can pick up a bargain by buying a Porsche 911 with a cockpit that needs a bit of tidying up. However, that’s often not the case. Interior retrims can be expensive if you want the work done properly and to an original standard. Some materials and trim items are hard (or impossible) to source and, when you do, they can be expensive.

That dented wing or chipped front bumper can easily be rectified by your local bodyshop to a high standard, while that cracked headlamp is replaceable. By contrast, sorting out interiors isn’t always as straightforward and requires specialist skills that aren’t easy to find. In the UK, the best company for Porsche interior work is Southbound Motor Trimmers.



This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mel

    Actually, over the years I am stunned how hard wearing Porsche interiors appear to be!!

  2. Mel

    Actually, over the years I am stunned how hard wearing Porsche interiors appear to be!!

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