Updated website

I’ve recently updated our website with a new theme. The website – like many these days – is produced using WordPress, for which there are countless ‘themes’ available.

I had been using a car dealer theme (pictured above) for some time but it was beginning to look dated, didn’t work well on mobile devices, and the support from the developer had died off, so it was time to search for something new.

The theme I am using now is called Top Speed and, again, is designed for car dealers. It offers an incredible amount of customisation and has a more modern appearance than the previous theme. Plus, the developer has been very helpful to me.

The only downside is that I’ve not found a way of carrying all the old stock but I’m working on that.

The new website is still a work in progress, and it would be great to get feedback – good and bad – from users. I’m not a web designer but I do enjoy tinkering being in control of the website.

Looking further ahead, I’m keeping a close eye on The Grid, which promises a lot but has yet to deliver.

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