With interest rates remaining at an all-time low in most parts of the world, leaving your money in the bank isn’t a good idea. Which is why more and more people are turning to classic cars as an investment. Apparently, the only thing that is performing better is fine wines, which is hard to understand. With a classic car, you can take it for a drive and still have a classic car (and an investment) at the end of it. With wine, if you drink it, that’s your investment gone.
Anyway, I digress. I am always happy to help you to find the right investable Porsche for you. Here are just some examples I have in stock right now which I predict will only go up in value.
Porsche 964 Carrera 4
964s are hot news right now. Made in far fewer numbers than the 993 that followed, good examples of the 964 are frustratingly hard to come by. That’s why we’re pleased to be able to offer for sale this stunning, original low-mileage example. It really is breathtakingly beautiful and probably one of the best in the UK right now.
Porsche 911 Turbo Targa SE Flatnose
This is an astonishingly rare and collectable car built by Porsche’s Special Wishes Department. The flatnose look was influenced by the legendary Porsche 935 racecar and remains a stunning variation on the classic 911 shape. We believe that just eight right-hand drive examples of this car were built, so it’s a rare and important piece of Porsche history.
Porsche 993 Targa
Here’s a classic that you could use and enjoy every day, safe in the knowledge that it will only increase in value. The evergreen 993 was the last of the air-cooled 911s and, as such, is a tough and reliable car. The clever glass Targa roof is a revelation, giving you the choice of a closed coupe, airy glass roof or buffet-free open-top motoring, all at the touch of a button. Brilliant!
Porsche 911T
Here’s a real classic from 1970. This 911T has been extensively restored to as-original condition but without being over-restored – it still retains that patina of age which is so endearing in a classic car. With left-hand drive this is ideal for many parts of the world and is fun to drive in the UK and other countries that drive on the left.
For more information on any of these Porsches and others, do please get in touch. And remember you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to my Porsche newsletter.